Behind the Bar with Tina Pollard

Tina Pollard is a bartender at A’VERT Brasserie in West Hartford, CT, USA.

tina pollard

How did you get started as a mixologist?

I started as a Host at Umi Sushi + Tapas, a local Kaitan Sushi restaurant, and worked my way up. I’ve been bartending for 13 years.

How would you describe your personal style as a bartender?

I love classic cocktails but when I first started bartending I had a big college crowd. They wanted big drinks with a lot of spirits. It’s been so interesting seeing how people are going back to the classics and truly enjoying the spirits instead of trying to add a lot of sugar and premix to their cocktails. 

What keeps you passionate about bartending and the hospitality industry?

I absolutely love all the knowledge and cocktail history. It’s a profession that always keeps you on your toes and you are constantly learning. I joke that I know some things but I also know nothing. And having that attitude of wanting to learn really helps you grow. 

What inspires your creativity when crafting new cocktails? 

I love when people tell me to serve the “Bartender’s choice”. From there, I ask them to “name your spirit” so I can navigate the cocktail that I’m going to create. And sometimes I can just tell if the guest is going to want something sweet or if they want a martini style cocktail. I joke that sometimes I’m “The Oracle”.

What’s your favorite Fee Brothers product to work with, and why? 

I love love love Fee Brothers Turkish Tobacco Bitters, the Toasted Almond Bitters, and the Black Walnut Bitters. I love how cozy they all taste and they bring out a fantastic taste when mixing them with a spirit. 

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a better mixologist?

Knowledge is power! Read cocktail books. Look for people who have become powerhouses in the cocktail world, then follow their social media accounts, and find events where they are showcasing their knowledge.

lumiere d amande

What is your signature drink, and what makes it special? 

My signature drink is “lumière d’amande“. I created this drink and was inspired by “Coquito”, which is a Puerto Rican holiday drink, and “Amaretto Sour”. I took the best of both drinks and made this one. It has a taste of the islands but it’s also refreshing and makes you feel cozy!


lumière d’amande


Combine all ingredients and stir, saving the star anise to garnish.

Learn more about Tina Pollard on Instagram at @Beanies_madre.

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Fee Brothers Molasses US
Tobacco Flora 2

The rich, robust flavor of blackstrap molasses
with bold notes of nutmeg and coffee.

We’ve combined this deep molasses flavor with warm,
aromatic nutmeg and the rich, roasted essence of
coffee to create unique Bitters that add depth and
complexity to any drink.