Add the Scotch, vermouth, Benedictine, and cherry liqueur to a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled. Strain into a coupe glass and add the bitters. Twist a lemon peel over the glass to release its oils and then place it and the cherry on a cocktail pick and put it on the side of the drink.
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With 160 years of expertise, Fee Brothers is creating a legacy of flavor to embolden your mixology journey with endless possibilities. We love to see how you elevate your drinks, experiment fearlessly, and craft unique libations that redefine the art of bartending.
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The rich, robust flavor of blackstrap molasses
with bold notes of nutmeg and coffee.
We’ve combined this deep molasses flavor with warm,
aromatic nutmeg and the rich, roasted essence of
coffee to create unique Bitters that add depth and
complexity to any drink.